Wife to Kate. Mama to Yogi. Reader. Psychologist. Unitarian-Universalist. Foodie. Hot Yogi. Write-at-Home Mom.

Parnassus Books

Thanks to Ann Patchett we no longer live in a town without a bookstore!  We were so excited about Parnassus Books that after nap this afternoon, he headed down to Green Hills.  The place was buzzing and I"m looking forward to being a regular visitor.  Not only is it a bookstore, but it's across the road from Trader Joe's.  A win-win for sure.

Yogi was pretty pumped about the kid's entrance to the Children's section.  How cute is that?

In addition to the swank kiddie entrance, the Children's area also has a super cool train table.  Yogi had a blast playing while we checked out the store. 

If you're interested, in finding out more, check out their website here



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