Wife to Kate. Mama to Yogi. Reader. Psychologist. Unitarian-Universalist. Foodie. Hot Yogi. Write-at-Home Mom.

Ellingtown at the Main Library

Yogi and I were in the mood for a little entertainment this morning and that is exactly what we got at the library.  Ellingtown is playing (more information below) and it is certainly worth a trip.  The Children's Theater was packed and after Mary Mary and Library Pete welcomed everyone, the show was on!  The set was impressive and the puppets were lively.  I was surprised to find that a puppet show about jazz could get so many laughs, but the crowd was definitely entertained.  We have plans to see this one again before it's gone!

A description from the library website.

Join Duke Ellington, the great master of Jazz, as he takes us on a musical journey with puppets of all sorts in this special presentation produced with the Nashville Jazz Workshop! A treat for all ages. Running time: 30 minutes. 

Fridays and Saturdays at 10:30 and 11:30 in October.



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