Wife to Kate. Mama to Yogi. Reader. Psychologist. Unitarian-Universalist. Foodie. Hot Yogi. Write-at-Home Mom.

The Daybook - Thursday, October 20

Outside my window... brrrr, it's cold outside!  Yesterday winter arrived and although the sun came out today it's still cold.  Perfect cozy evenings by the fire weather.

I am thinking...
. mostly about my NaNo story when my mind wanders.  The characters are fleshing themselves out and the whole thing is beginning to take shape.

I am thankful...
for this life.

In the kitchen... Yogi is keeping me busy.  We have gotten to the point where the moment he understands that food is being prepared, he wants it.  RIGHT.THIS.SECOND.  He lets me know this by chanting "MamaMamaMamaMamaMamaMama........." until he is handed a spoon, bibbed and placed in his high chair.  His favorites of the moment include cheese, tofu with graham cracker breading and banana.

I am wearing...
grey pj pants and a very.old sweatshirt.

I am reading... Once Upon a Time There was You by Elizabeth Berg.  I'm really enjoying it.  I'm also re-reading (for perhaps the 3rd time) Larry Brook's Story Engineering.

I am hoping...
that the last few hours aren't any indication of how soundly Yogi will sleep for the rest of the night.

I am looking forward to...
date night tommorrow.

I am hearing...
Top Chef: Just Desserts and the crackling fire.

Around the house...
I am loving our fireplace.

One of my favorite things... was seeing Muzzie tear up this afternoon when Yogi greeted her at the front door.  He's walking!!!!

On the agenda for the week:
the Zoo, pumpkin purchasing, Story Time at the library, play date with Layla, fun with Muzzie and Grandpa, Artclectic at the University School of Nashville, and a dinner party at our house on Saturday night.

Here is picture for thought I am sharing...
coming soon.



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