Wife to Kate. Mama to Yogi. Reader. Psychologist. Unitarian-Universalist. Foodie. Hot Yogi. Write-at-Home Mom.

Peas and Thank You

A few weeks ago I opened my front door to find an Amazon package that looked very much like a book.  Knowing that we weren't expecting a delivery, I was immediately excited.  A surprise book!  My very favorite thing!  I opened the package to find that Les had sent this book.  How cool is that!!!

I had heard nothing of this book or the VERY cool blog that inspired it, but now I'm hooked.  If you:
  • Are always looking for easy, healthy and flavorful meal ideas
  • Want to limit your meat intake without eating boring food
  • Love cookbooks with great food photography and cute family pictures
  • Like to read stories written by a smart, funny Mom

you should check out this book.  I have had so much fun with it and it's really changed the way I cook.  So far, I've made the following dishes and each one was a winner:
  • My Kind of Bar (homemade Kind bars - YUM!)
  • Panzanella salad
  • Spicy African Peanut soup
  • Thai Veggie burgers
  • Green and Red Lentil enchiladas with Homemade salsa
  • Pea Daddy's Jambalaya

If you've got the book, let me know what you've made.




i just ordered this! i can't wait to try it out! thanks for the mini review!

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