Wife to Kate. Mama to Yogi. Reader. Psychologist. Unitarian-Universalist. Foodie. Hot Yogi. Write-at-Home Mom.

Green Tea Smoothie

I'm branching out a bit in the smoothie department and looking forward to trying this soon.  Just got to buy some green tea and honeydew.  I'm thinking this could make it into heavy rotation.  Oh and I got this one from the ever delightful Eat, Live, Run.

  • 1 frozen banana
  • 1/2 large honeydew melon, cut into chunks
  • 3/4 cup strong brewed green tea (use two tea bags and seep for ten minutes)
  • 1 tsp honey
  • 1/4 cup almond milk

  1. Blend until smooth.




This looks delicious! I wasn't sold on the spinach smoothie but this one sounds like a winner! :)

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