Wife to Kate. Mama to Yogi. Reader. Psychologist. Unitarian-Universalist. Foodie. Hot Yogi. Write-at-Home Mom.

How to have a Fabulous Date Night in Nashville

Go have dinner at Park Cafe.

After living in Nashville for more than a year, last Friday we finally made it.  What took us so long?!!

We were there to celebrate Kate's birthday and I haven't been happier to see my wife age other year.  Yum!

We split the Arugula and Radicchio salad that is served with roasted apples, fennel & butternut squash, spiced walnuts, apple butter, a crispy goat cheese ball and sherry vinaigrette.  They brought out the salads on two separate (quite lovely) plates and due to Kate's lack of interest in all things cheesy, I got the crispy goat cheese ball all to myself.  Happy birthday indeed.

For dinner I had the Mushroom Risotto with grilled asparagus, smoked pepper vinaigrette and Parmesan crisp.  It was creamy and mushroomy and absolutely right.  I don't have the patience for risotto, but I'm grateful that there are people who do.  Kate had the Sous Vide Chicken breast with crispy polenta, organic vegetables, roasted chicken jus, lemon garlic aioli,  and Parmesan.  If you (like me) don't know what it means to cook chicken "sous vide" AND you are a fan of Top Chef, you should definitely check out this video.

The salad  and risotto were delightful, but the real magic was in the desert.  I have two words for you.

Homemade Smores.

The menu described the dish this way: Marshmallow fluff layered with warm chocolate ganache, topped with house made marshmallows and graham crackers.

I describe the dish this way: MMMmmmmmmmmmmm 

If you've got a babysitter and you can't remember the last time you've had a spectacular meal, I suggest making a reservation at Park Cafe. And if you have leftovers, you know where to find me.  ;)



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