Wife to Kate. Mama to Yogi. Reader. Psychologist. Unitarian-Universalist. Foodie. Hot Yogi. Write-at-Home Mom.

The Daybook - December 2

Outside my window... Jack Frost is in evidence.  Given that it is December (December??  How did that happen?!!) I shouldn't be surprised, but I'm surprised.  Also, brrrr.

I am thinking...
about Montessori pre-schools and Christmas activities and holiday card selection and what to get Yogi and Kate for Christmas and what I can possibly make for a handmade Christmas craft swap I'm participating in (ideas?).

I am thankful...
for this life.

In the kitchen... I am on the hunt for a veggie burger that Yogi will eat.  I've got lots of bean heavy burgers that I love, but I'm looking for a grain and veggie focused version.  Anybody have ideas?  Getting Yogi to eat his veggies is becoming more of a challenge and I'm thinking this could be a good solution.  The days of loving peas have passed.  These days the boy would eat only cheese and fruit if left to his own devices.

I am wearing...
a true fashion relic.  The grey sweatshirt with my high school letters stiched (by the mother of an old friend) across the chest.  Kate has (so far) been unsuccessful in her efforts to get rid of this item.  Also grey pj pants and new socks with traction (thanks Mom!).

I am reading... The Hunger Games (Suzanne Collins).  I picked this up over Thanksgiving and if I didn't have a one year old and a love for sleep, I would have finished it many days ago..  I am certainly enjoying the handful of chapters I can read each night before my eyes close.  I was surprised to find it as compelling as I did given my failure to understand other YA phenomenons (Harry Potter and Twilight), but compelling it definitely is.  
I am hoping...
 that I will meet my NaNoWriMo word count goal by the end of the year.  I'm not abandoning the dream, I'm being flexible about it.  

I am looking forward to... decorating the house this weekend!!!  Ho, Ho, Ho.

I am hearing...
 NPR and Yogi's near constant chatter.

One of my favorite things... Yogi is unbelievably adorable in these pajamas.  I call them his "little man" pj's.

On the agenda for the week:
 Yogi and I trekked down South for a visit with Nana and Pops early in the week and all four of us had a blast.  We definitely surprised Pops (who Yogi calls Papa) when we rang his doorbell at 7am on Monday morning.  He didn't know that when I say early morning, I mean early morning. :) Kate and I were back at the Ryman last night to hear Gillian Welch.  It was a fabulous show and not only because she didn't bring an opening act and we were home by 10. ;)  She is tremendously talented and a little banjo is good for the soul.  The weekend holds Christmas tree acquisition and decoration and a neighborhood potluck on Saturday night.  There is also sure to be lots of reveling in the fact that we are home.

Here is picture thought I am sharing...
Yogi and I out at lunch with Nana.  Unfortunately Nana was taking the picture and she didn't make the shot, but it's still fun to remember.  



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