Wife to Kate. Mama to Yogi. Reader. Psychologist. Unitarian-Universalist. Foodie. Hot Yogi. Write-at-Home Mom.

The Daybook - November 17

Outside my window... the sun is shining!  After three solid days of dreary, rainy darkness this is a most welcome development.  It's still cold out there, but it feels crisp instead of X.

I am thinking...
. about Thanksgiving travel and the fact that I have written only 16,400 words on my NaNoWriMo novel as of today.  That is a little less than 12,000 words behind schedule.  Not looking good.....

I am thankful...

In the kitchen... things are hopping.  I'm working on a beef stew for Kate (anybody have a good recipe?) and thinking about what to contribute to the holiday meal.  I'll be trying some things out over the next few days.  I'm thinking this and maybe a touch of that.

I am wearing...
a lavender fleece, jeans and black argyle socks with traction.  Speaking of socks with traction, why are they so impossible to find these days?  I like a good warm sock for wearing around the house in the winter and the ones with traction are perfect for hardwood floors, but they are no where to be found.  Boo.

I am reading... Falling Together by Marisa de los SantosI'm almost at the end and I'm already missing the characters.  This book is GREAT and when I hit the half-way mark I logged onto PaperBack Swap and ordered her earlier two books.  I love the way she writes and she might just be my new BFF.  At least my new writer BFF. 
I am hoping...
that I get over this hump with my fiction writing.

I am looking forward to...
a night out tonight and a family-filled weekend.

I am hearing...
the whirr of the dryer and that little voice in my head that says "faster, faster".  Oh that voice.  :(

Around the house...
I am reveling in being home.  We just had a most wonderful vacation and next week we'll trek to Austin for Thanksgiving and then Yogi and I will visit my parents the week after that and then I will head South to meet this tiny person and all of that is fabulous, but not quite as fabulous as being at home.  I'm a homebody, simple as that.

One of my favorite things... is watching Yogi light up at the library.  He loves it and I love that he does.

On the agenda for the week:
fun at school (feathers and turkeys and painting, oh my! - see below), date night tonight (Brandi Carlisle here we come!), a Yogi check-up with Dr. Wonderful tmw, and a weekend trip to Ann Patchett's new bookstore.

Here is picture thought I am sharing...
and yes that is a small, wooden person obscuring Yogi's name. 



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