Wife to Kate. Mama to Yogi. Reader. Psychologist. Unitarian-Universalist. Foodie. Hot Yogi. Write-at-Home Mom.

The Green Monster

I have been intrigued by this breakfast concept for years and after Toad surprised me with a Magic Bullet for Christmas (this was actually quite exciting for me), I was ready to try my own.  You can find tons of variations on this all over the web, but I decided to start with the basic recipe.  The verdict?  Delicious!  Truly.  Not delicious in the "well, it is healthy after all" way, but actually delicious.  Try it for yourself and let me know.

  • 1 frozen banana

  • 2 cups spinach

  • 1 cup milk

  • Handful of ice cubes

In order to get the spinach as blended as possible, arrange it closest to the blades with the banana and ice weighing it down.



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