Wife to Kate. Mama to Yogi. Reader. Psychologist. Unitarian-Universalist. Foodie. Hot Yogi. Write-at-Home Mom.

The Crimson Petal and the White (Michel Faber)

You should read this book. Yes it's long, but it's tons of fun.  Really.  I've wanted to read this book for awhile, but I just couldn't get past the fact that it is set in 19th century England.  I'm not a big fan of that kind of thing, or so I thought.  Maybe I'm changing my tune.




I'm on a bit of a tear reading historical English fiction these days. I'm adding this to my list.


I may have to put this on my "to read" list. :-)


Thanks for the recommendation! I've been looking for new, interesting books to check out of the library and I will definitely add this one to the list.

New to your blog. I'm looking forward to reading more!

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